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[Note: Please visit and look for my District 2 columns with more recent photos]:Charlotte, North Carolina District #2 Meeting, April 2014
In early April 2014 we gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina to visit, share history and ideas -- some of those who attended indicated this was their first-ever CPN meeting. It was great to make them feel welcome, and here is what one first-timer wrote afterward: "We had a great time Saturday. I learned a lot and felt so welcome.It was like I already knew you!" Now that's what I like to hear!
Thanks to Scott and Debb Holzmeister for finding our venue, bringing in Mexican fare and setting everything up at their Church hall. We were comfortable, well-fed, and made welcome -- Migwetch. Ralph Bahzaw was recognized as the wisest in attendance and Bill Anderson as farthest-travelled -- with no young ones in attendance we did not recognize a youngest attendee, but hope to do so next time around!